Universal 3-ring release

Universal 3-ring release
This release was born in the back of helicopters - it acts as a tether until the red handle is pulled. This releases the crew member from the anchor point in the event of an emergency. But it can be used for a multitude of tasks where a quick release under load is required.
All of the functional components are on the same side. ie: the unit can lie on a flat surface, under load, and the release will still function, unimpeded.
It is labelled for 500 pounds/227 kg, when used for human restraint. This provides a safety factor of 10 (the unit will fail at 10 times that weight.) But if you wish to use it for heavier, inanimate objects, then you’re free to test the boundaries!
Built entirely from mil-spec materials.
Standard length is 450 mm, but we can make this longer, if you require. Contact us with your requirements.
Can be provided with a double-locking carabiner built into it.